The combined use of the archaeological, linguistic
evidences and etnohistóricas to analyze the
characteristics of the prehispanic poblamiento of
Venezuela, show, in all the cases, the presence of
cultural influences of multiple origin that you/they
fused inside the current national territory. The
studies carried out between 1935 and 1944 by
different archaeological missions point out, on one
hand, the presence of a western axis N-S, through
which influences would have arrived so much of
Central America as of the OR of Suramérica and for
the other one, the existence of a cultural axis N-S
in the east of Venezuela that would have channeled
the influences coming from the AND of Suramérica in
passing toward the Antilles, as well as those coming
from the NE of Suramérica that you/they would have
spread toward the YOU of the subcontinent. As much
in the east as in the occident of Venezuela, these
big migratory axes gave origin to the penetration of
diverse patterns, those which later on entered in
contact when taking place traverse migratory
movements AND-OR and vice versa. conformed to
this way a pattern of poblamiento routes and
cultural dispersion that would resemble each
other to the form of a " H ". On the base
of this theory of the migrations prehispanic
Venezuelans, other complementary models have been
elaborated, according to those which the existence
of these 2 big migratory routes N-S in the AND and
the OR respectively, they would have given origin to
a cultural dicotomía: the occident populations
would have been characterized by the cultivation of
the corn and a pottery decorated with reasons
colored policromados; in contrast, the populations
of the east cultivated the yucca and they had a
pottery decorated with reasons and modeling
parentheses. The history of the before Columbus
farming societies would have been determined in
consequence by the interaction of cultural
influences that you/they crossed between east and
occident. Another similar hypothesis in connection
with the poblamiento of Venezuela, outlines that the
migratory waves formed 2 trunks: one Westerner
characterized mainly by movements of human groups
and cultural influences coming from the OR of Suramérica
and Central America that would have originated
cultures like the timoto-cuica, the achagua; and
another oriental whose origin would be located in
the amazon basin. The prehispanic migratory waves
have also been characterized as belonging to 2 big
families linguistic South Americans: the arawak and
the caribe whose more remote origins have been
located in the central region of Suramérica. In
general, it has been considered that the oldest
sedentary groups that settled in the current
Venezuelan territory were of filiation linguistic
arawak and to them they are attributed the
introduction and development of the agriculture.
These populations arawakas would have constituted
kind of a basic ethnic stratum for Venezuela that
would have broken or broken into fragments with the
later irruption of an oriental migratory wave that
would have extended also toward the occident of
Venezuela going by the current territory of
Colombia, originating this way a cultural division
between oriental caribes and western caribes. It is
supposed that the continuous presence of dispersed
toponímicos from the Orinoco until the central
region of Venezuela, it could infer in this the
presence of you pierce of population of possible
filiation caribe. Also, can explain to himself
the influence caribe toward the occident, for the
presence of indigenous groups of that filiation in
the lake of Maracaibo and the mountain of Perijá.
Jointly to these big migratory currents of arawakos
and caribes it could have other migrations, maybe of
smaller intensity that you/they also left their
print. It is the case of some Meso-American features
as the ball game, autosacrificio of blood or the use
of the beard that were present among the guamos,
otomacos and guamonteyes of the Orinoco and that of
the sacrifice rites and human victims'
degollamiento, among the caribeses, very similar to
the denominated tlacaxipeualiztli of the Mexican
Just as we have seen, the ethnology, relating
linguistic data, etnográficos and archaeological,
has been able to determine a model of prehispanic
migrations in the one that stand out the movements
made along 2 axes N-S, located to the AND and the OR
of Venezuela and a series of lines of flow among one
and other, which would constitute expansible,
recurrent or sporadic population movements. From the
archaeological point of view this theory gets rich
when pointing out, besides these big lines of
migratory flow, nodal cultural points in the
territory. With the archaeological evidence,
Venezuela stops to be in passing a simple crossroad
or area of the migratory waves, and becomes a
center of fork of an important number of human
groups, those which, for the processes of adaptation
to the new atmospheres where they settled, and the
miscegenation of cultures, new social forms that
served from archetypes to other populations of
neighboring territories took place. In such a sense,
we can settle down 3 big historical-social periods
for the analysis of population's currents that
contributed to conform the society before Columbus
to) hunters' Migrations: The oldest archaeological
evidences indicate us that the first population
waves that penetrated the Venezuelan territory at
least 15.000 years to. C., they were constituted by
human groups that derived their subsistence of the
hunt of mammals and of the gathering of fruits and
wild roots. Apparently, the old hunters cohabited at
least during certain time, with a megafauna
characterized by mastodons, horses, megaterios and
gliptodontes. As consequence of the end of the
glaciaciones around 12.000 years to. C., climatic
conditions different to the current ones reigned.
There was possibly bigger humidity, and the most
abundant flora allowed the survival of the hervíboros
of the megafauna. The hunters of that time were part
of the migratory wave that came from North
America where you/they had arrived from Asia
crossing the strait of Behring in a date that could
be considered between 28.000 and 40.000 years to. C.
The projectile tips that these hunters manufactured
were made with stone nuclei, and their forms
remember the devices that the big hunters of the
call plane tradition manufactured", which is
characterized by tips for weapons arrojadizas in an
oval way, with parallel sides and both sharpened
ends. The presence of this tips in the south of
North America, Mesoamérica and the coast Pacific of
Suramérica, allows to see the existence of human
migration in address NS. But, in what moment and how
is dispersed of that main group the branch
that strays toward the NE of Venezuela and whose
main exponents find them until the present in early
archaeological places of the state Falcon? The most
obvious terrestrial route would go by Central
America, would enter to the subcontinent for
Colombia and of there would go toward the NE
reaching Venezuela. But the evidences found until
the present in Colombia don't check that has existed
that migratory road, since the discoveries carried
out until today by the Colombian archaeologists only
indicate the presence, from 12.000 to 14.000 years
to. C., of hunters that possessed a very rudimentary
lithic and bony industry, completely different to
the instrumental one specialized of the hunters of
the NE of Venezuela.
b) recolectores Migrations: The end of the society
of hunters, seems to have been contemporary with the
climax of the big climatic changes that you/they
marked the development of the Quaternary one. They
possibly happened extensive modifications of the old
Venezuelan coast as consequence of the general
rising of the level of the sea, reason why many of
the old coastal areas were submerged by the waters,
being changed the characteristics of the fauna and
the flora maybe also in this regions. These changes
determined, on one hand, the disappearance of the
megafauna that until then it seems to have been
associated with the hunters and for the other one
that took place a general redistribution of the
terrestrial fauna, which could have influenced so
that those populations or part of the same ones,
they looked for their subsistence in the marine
fauna. The abundance and relative stability of the
marine resources gave him so much to the Venezuelan
recolectores as to those of the rest of the
continent, the opportunity to form more sedentary
communities. Until the present, the archaeological
evidences indicate that the area of bigger
concentration of these groups recolectores was in
the N of Venezuela. They were present in the
peninsula of it Gave birth to, around the 4.000 to
5.000 years to. C., and it is supposed that they had
a rudimentary industry of carved stone, possible
survival of techniques used by the old hunters. The
archaeological places located in the costs of the
states Sucre and Anzoátegui and in the island of
Cubagua they testify the development of a society
specialized in the exploitation of the marine
environment, which abandoned the stone like matter
prevails, to manufacture devices of shells of giant
snail (Strombus jigs) such as chisels, raspers,
projectile tips, recipients, etc. This capacity
adaptativa that seems to also have included the art
of navigating, allowed the expansion of the marine
recolectores toward the Antillean islands, many of
which were still uninhabited, becoming discoverers
and first residents of the insular lands therefore.
There were recolectores groups that possibly
migraron to the S, following the coast Atlantic of
the NE of Suramérica giving origin to the
development of new communities that you/they
conserved many of the such ancestral characteristics
as the use of the stone to manufacture work devices.
c) farmers' Migrations: The last 2 millennia before
the beginning of the Christian era they constituted
for the South American natives the final phase of
the experimentation with the cultivation of plants
which was foundation of the ulterior development of
the agriculture. This period was also of
readjustment and social consolidation for many
ethnoses; the step of an economy recolectora to an
agricultural economy implied the search of new lands
that allows to deploy the technologies in a new way
of social life equally. It was possibly in this
context when they took place the migratory movements
in Suramérica that will determine the final
characteristics of the poblamiento prehispanic
In the east of Venezuela, the basin of the Orinoco
constituted one of the poles of attraction for human
groups with a pottery whose characterization allows
to establish relationships with other cultures of
the OR of Suramérica and of the amazon basin. These
human groups brought I get technical of cultivation
and prosecution of the bitter yucca (Manihot
utilissima), already known by indigenous groups of
the NE of Suramérica. On the base of the vegetative
agriculture, they were formed 2 important population
centers whose culture had after irradiating toward
the east of Venezuela, grace to the human
displacements that happened in later periods. In the
first floor Orinoco, the ancestral place of Ravines,
originated what we know as tradition Ravines, around
1.000 to 600 years to. C. whose payees spread toward
the central coast of Venezuela forming or
contributing to form new human establishments in the
region of the lake of Valencia and in the coast of
the current state Carabobo around 200 years to. C.
Other groups barrancoides migraron toward the NE of
Suramérica invading the N of the amazon basin and
the oriental region of Venezuela. In the half
Orinoco, for similar date, the region of Parmana to
the S of the state Guárico constitutes the seat of
small villages tipificadas for the places of the
grotto Ronquín, starting from which a new
well-known cultural tradition was developed as
Saladero. The same as the barrancoides, these
individuals will begin toward beginnings of the
Christian era, a migratory movement toward the NE of
Venezuela, fusing with the groups barrancoides that
had already arrived also to this region and
displacing or absorbing to the old populations
recolectoras that still for that date they occupied
the coast and the islands of the east of Venezuela.
Of the fork of these traditions, a new well-known
tradition arose as coastal saladoide whose payees
began a quick migratory movement along the Antillean
insular arch, displacing and absorbing in turn to
the recolectores of this islands, and arriving in
Puerto Rico around 200 years to. C. These emigrants
coming from the territory that then would be
Venezuela, they took the Antilles the knowledge of
the pottery, the agriculture and the rules of
sedentary life that then would be foundation of the
social life of the before Columbus ethnoses of this
During the first centuries of the Christian era, the
half Orinoco received a new wave of well-known
population as tradition Arauquín whose
characteristic alfareras allows to point out to the
amazon basin as the area possible of origin. Those
recently arrived ones gave sample of possessing a
vigorous and organized culture, since they
introduced important changes in the way of the
autochthonous indigenous populations' life. Leaving
of the half Orinoco, groups belonging to this
tradition emigrated toward the valleys of Aragua and
the basin of the lake of Valencia occupying, for
final of the prehispanic period, practically all the
valleys of the central coast including the valley of
Caracas. On the other hand, the arauquinoides began
to move toward the first floor Orinoco around 200
years d. C., looking for maybe to settle in the
fertile riversides that skirted the river but that
they were occupied by the ethnoses barrancoides.
This movement laughs below it seems to have been
slow, but it culminated in the XVI century of our
era with the exercise of the total control of the hábitat
orinoquense on the part of the arauquinoides.
Although we can not establish a parallel one
historically between these populations and the
well-known ethnoses, if it is possible to say that
the late villages of the Orinoco where has
been pottery arauquinoide they were seat of
historical human groups of language caribe. The same
thing can say of the lake of Valencia, the valleys
of Aragua and the valley of Caracas, fact that can
give us an analysis base to understand the
importance of this wave migratory orinoquense in the
poblamiento prehispanic Venezuelan.
To the SO of Venezuela, in the last centuries before
Christ, the plains high Westerners welcomed another
well-known migratory wave as complex Pipe of the
Bear and complex The Betania whose starting point
can be located the NE of Colombia or of the Ecuador.
These individuals were able to design and to execute
complex land works that included mounds for
housings, wearing shoes that served as communication
roads and dikes for the control of the floods and
cultivation fields formed by long artificial ridges
of earth that were good to preserve the plants of
the excess of water during the grown of the rivers.
These human groups extended on great part of the
territory of the current states Barinas, Hurry and
Portuguese, corresponding historically in general
sense with the busy territory for the well-known
indigenous groups as achaguas and betoyes. In the
region S of the lake of Maracaibo, the
archaeological evidences point out for 600 years to.
C., the arrival of related immigrants' groups
possibly with the ethnoses that you/they inhabited
the coast Colombian Caribbean from the XII century.
The same as those of the Orinoco, cultivated and
they consumed the bitter yucca and they settled
along the rivers that descend of the western slope
of the Andean mountain range. On the other hand,
around 1.100 years to. C., other immigrant groups,
acquaintances as phases The Danto and The Guamo,
also affiliated possibly to ethnoses that the N of
the current Colombia inhabited, they settled along
the rivers Escalante and Zulia, giving origin to big
towns where it was not only cultivated the yucca,
but also the corn. It is possible that the migratory
waves already signal, be in the origin of the
current indigenous populations of the occident of
the lake, affiliated to the family linguistic caribe
and others to the chibcha. The NE of Venezuela seems
that it was entrance door of one of the migratory
currents that had bigger influence in the ulterior
conformation of the aboriginal culture of the
center-western region of Venezuela. The groups that
arrived with her, possibly came from the occident of
Suramérica and they introduced practical agrarian
with the cultivation of the corn. Their more remote
predecessors, they can be located in the phase
Hokomo, in the Venezuelan Peasant, around 1.000
years to. C., and in the phase Lagunillas in the
coast NE of the lake of Maracaibo, around 400 years
to. C.. These immigrants as well as the
autochthonous groups to those that gave origin were
distributed along the low valleys of the NE of
Venezuela, forming big agricultural villages that
had a marked ceremonial character. It proves of they
are it the big cemeteries or necropolis found in
their towns, in those that an important handmade
production is evidenced, dedicated particularly to
satisfy the religious necessities. Also, they
transformed many grottos and small caves into
adoratorios or cemeteries, where a great wealth of
material votivo was also deposited. The way of life
of these human groups influenced greatly in the
communities that occupied the territory of the
current states Lara, Falcon, Yaracuy and Trujillo,
since for the XVI century in that area villages
existed densely populated, characterized by an
extraordinary handmade and productive development,
which served from support to the Spanish
colonization. Around the century IX or X d. C.,
became present in the high regions of you Walk them
Venezuelans, well-known human groups as phases San
Gerónimo, Mucuchíes and Miquimú. These possessed
technical agricultural and specialized cultivations
that allowed them to colonize the high valleys and
the neighboring lands to the moors. They built small
villages, each housing possessed underground silos
to store the crops, they practiced the cultivation
in terraces and the employment of ponds and channels
of irrigable to irrigate the sementeras. All these
elements relate this groups with the prehispanic
Andean societies of the NE of Suramérica whose way
of life expanded along the mountainous ecosystems of
the occident of Suramérica. M.S.O. /I.V.
XVI-XX centuries
The process resident of the current territory of
Venezuela began from the distant times of the man's
appearance in the NO of the South American
subcontinent. In that long process that began more
than 12.000 years ago, is distinguished the
stage of the absolute prevalence of the Aboriginal
ones clearly in the occupation of the space
geographical Venezuelan, of that that inaugurated
the Hispanic population's penetration. During the
millennia in that the indigenous poblamiento the
only one that extended on the surface of the
country, was it was established the pattern that up
to now has governed the space distribution of the
inhabitants. The aboriginal presence before the
arrival of the Spaniards was shown, in the first
place, in the coastal-mountainous arch that skirts
of NE to NOT the extensive basin orinoquense, in
second place, in the wide region of the Plains and
in third place, in the riversides of the main rivers
of the Guayana. In none of those areas a homogeneous
autochthonous poblamiento existed, since in them, on
the contrary, forms of occupation of the very
diverse territory coexisted, which reflected the
variety in the ways of life, the different evolution
tecnoeconómica of the communities and the unequal
environmental conditions where these acted.
In the coastal-mountainous fringe scattered in
the time of the initial contact with the Europeans,
the aboriginal population with the types of more
complex hábitat, so much for the intensity of the
human presence as for the stability of the groupings
that the same one formed. In such a fringe, the
poblamiento stains were located essentially in you
Walk them and the system coriano, and in a secondary
way, in the center-coastal and coastal-oriental
areas and in the basin of the lake of Maracaibo. The
indigenous poblamiento of you Walk them and the
system coriano constituted the most important human
covering in Venezuela before the incorporation of
the Spaniards. The conquerors found the most
numerous communities and the most stable
establishments there. In the Andean region,
according to the data contributed by the columnists
and the recent archaeological investigation,
villages were developed more or less permanent,
thanks to the emergence of an agricultural
technology of certain efficiency. The construction
of platforms or terraces to cultivate the slopes,
the use of underground silos to reserve foods, the
employment of ponds or dikes to store the water of
the rivers, the gulches or the rains used in the
watering of the cultivations, elements tecnoeconómicos
that made sprout a sedentary life in the breast of
nuclei of modest proportions were. The timotes and
the cuicas that extended mainly for the territory
that corresponds today to the states Merida and
Trujillo in approximate form, left perseverance of
their sedentariedad in the toponimia of numerous
places. Current towns as Timotes, Jajó, Mucuchíes,
Mucurubá, Mucutuy, Tabay, Chiguará, Acarigua,
Torondoy, was villages of the indiadas of those
denominations. Many towns and Andean cities that
today takes names imposed by the conquerors, were
founded in the before Columbus villages. The city of
Merida is summoned in the table where the Indian
tatuyes had its called neighborhood Tatuí; the
current town of The Muzzle constituted the main seat
of the group indigenous mirripú; the small city of
Lagunillas was simply the village that the natural
ones Zamu or Jamun or Xamue called. In the lands
that now form the state Táchira, centers populated
as Queniquea, Basket, Seboruco, Táriba, Lobatera,
Borotá, remembers the nuclei of communities of
extraction aruaca or caribe. The apparent profusion
of the villages and before Columbus communities of
you Walk them it doesn't allow to qualify their
poblamiento of dense or very dense, according to the
sense that those terms make in the modern societies.
The characteristic morfológicas of the Andean
landscape and the simplicity of the technical
elements that their residents prepared, they could
only tolerate very small human establishments whose
importance is derived, more than of their
magnitudes, of its stable character. In narrow
connection with the autochthonous poblamiento of you
Walk them they were the communities located in the
system coriano and their neighboring spaces. In this
region, the Europeans found almost so important
indigenous populations numerically as those of the
Andean area. The human presence imposed it there the
caquetíos and jiraharas, together with the gayones,
cuibas, coyones, achaguas, ayamanes and cuicas.
Almost all those tribes, to often depend on
sedentary activities, knitted with villages of
relative permanency the fundamental net of their
poblamiento. As much the conquerors as the
columnists were shown impressed by the frequency of
the aboriginal villages in many places of this
district. Particularly Nicolás of Federmann who
traveled almost that whole territory between 1530
and 1531, had occasion of checking in the lands that
today forms the states Falcon, Lara and part of
Yaracuy, the existence of diverse establishments of
certain stability, and great number of inhabitants.
This hábitat type, evidently, was structured
because some of these groups developed practical
agricultural based on the use of reservoirs or you
dam to water with the waters of rivers or gulches
the cultivation fields. For those the caquetíos, to
the arrival of the Spaniards, grouped in villages,
some of which became cities, villages or towns
during the colonial period. Current centers as
Choir, Capatárida, Cumarebo, Zazárida, Cabure, Adícora,
nuclei that those natives designated with same was
or resemblances names. Many other neighborhoods
disappeared with the Conquest, as Todariquiba,
Jurejubero, Jurraque, Tomadoré, Carona, Carao. They
also formed the caquetíos nuclei in the valley of
the Cloudy one and the savannas of Barquisimeto,
those which, together with those that had in the
oriental coast of the lake of Maracaibo and along
the river Yaracuy, confirmed the importance of this
The autochthonous hábitat of the center-coastal,
coastal-oriental areas and of the basin of the lake
of Maracaibo, in the moment of the initial contact
with the Spaniards, it didn't show bigger
complexity, neither for their vigor neither for the
stability of their establishments. In general, the
indigenous partialities of the first 2 areas, as the
caracas, tomuzas, chaymas, cumanagotos, píritus,
and of the basin of the lake of Maracaibo, as the
onotos, bobures, quiriquires, pemenos, chinatos,
obtained its subsistences of very simple activities,
such as a wandering agriculture, the exploitation of
marine resources, the hunt and the gathering in the
forests, the fishing in rivers and lagoons. These
conditions tecnoeconómicas originated a poblamiento
semipermanente, integrated by very small villages
that moved, inside certain territorial limits, in
function of the transfer of the cultivations. For
such a reason, the occupation of the space in those
regions was very not very consistent. Not even in
the places where the conquerors and columnists point
out the most numerous communities, like in the
valleys of Aragua and Caracas, the oriental coast,
the surroundings of the lake of Valencia and the
southern bank and the N of the lake of Maracaibo,
stable establishments existed. The human covering
was here represented by a dispersion of minuscule
villages, formed by 3 to 6 cabins, with very low
levels of permanency. In the region of the plains
the before Columbus hábitat was characterized by
certain diversity, by virtue of the different
degrees of efficiency of the communities to obtain
its resources. In the low plains the dispersed
poblamiento prevailed, integrated by nomadic bands
whose subsistences came from predatory activities.
In the high plains they were located, on the other
hand, indigenous partialities that to combine the
gathering, the hunt and the fishing with
agricultural activities, they stayed stable during
almost the whole year. They formed this way these
aboriginal ones, mainly those that were located near
the piedemonte of you Walk them, neighborhoods that
acquired dimensions of some importance in some
cases, like it happened to Acarigua, town that
Federmann described as great village and where
caquetíos and cuicas cohabited. However, a
contained hábitat didn't prevail in these plains,
since the levels tecnoeconómicos of their residents
didn't guarantee a total sedentaridad. In the
extensive lands of the current Guayana a very
unstable prehispanic poblamiento existed and of
reduced volume. In general, the right riverbank of
the Orinoco and the flowing riversides of their main
ones, they were the places preferred by the
wandering bands that you/they obtained their
provisions in diverse ways of gathering. Their
villages had, consequently, the transitory character
that imposed a fragile adaptation to the means. The
predominant nomadismo in this region was translated
in the unstable dispersion of its autochthonous
The stage begun by the incorporation of the Hispanic
demographic component in the poblamiento of
Venezuela was strongly conditioned by the
geographical design that the before Columbus
residents traced. Nevertheless, the Europeans
imposed on that design novel forms of occupation of
the space, which responded to the way of life that
you/they brought with them. Two fundamental
characteristics reflected from their beginnings that
new hábitat. In the first place, the conquerors
implanted poblamiento units that were constituted in
social lifelong centers and of course, in
necessarily stable nuclei. In second place, those
units could only work and to be developed in narrow
and continuous connection, that which began the
formation of a true net of human establishments. The
first Hispanic contacts with the territory that
later would be Venezuela, they made arise small very
outlying stains of European poblamiento. This
periferismo responded, on one hand, to the necessity
of founding position establishments, that is to say
that served of bases to explore the unknown spaces
of the interior, and for other, to the commercial
character and spoliator of the expeditions that
carried out, with the authorization of the Crown,
companies Spanish matters. This last feature
prevailed in the motives of the creation and in the
characteristics of the operation of all the nuclei
that the conquerors settled down during the 4
initial decades of the XVI century. The rescue with
the natives, the prey of their products, the
kidnapping and the purchase of Indians to enslave
them, the search of minerals and other wealth, they
gave origin to small villages of European coastal
very not very stable. New Cádiz, in Cubagua that
arose toward 1514 like a Hispanic homestead of
searchers of pearls, expanded in few years to
disappear in 1544 with the exhaustion of the
ostrales. It served, however, the ephemeral New Cádiz
to impel the process resident of Margarita island,
because of this they obtained the neogaditanos
diverse provisions. They appeared this way in the
territory margariteño the oldest permanent Hispanic
centers in Venezuela. In their small valleys the
cultivations of autochthonous and European plants
prospered, and the cattle raising acquired certain
development. The effect of this situation was such
that in 1538 about 400 neighbors or family bosses
already lived in Margarita. The hábitat of that
island served, also, of base to explore other areas,
mainly the one that would be later the Venezuelan