Beyond Fences Seeking Social Sustainability in Conservation -
Beyond Fences is designed as a practical implementation guide to help professionals involved in conservation initiatives to identify the social concerns that are relevant for their work, assess options for action and implement them. An IUCN Social Policy document, 1997.
Biotrade -
An integrated approach towards trade, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development
Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar/Tanzania -
UNEP Global500 Award winning private island conservation project, using ecotourism to fund conservation management and environmental education for local schoolchildren. Park rangers provide guided snorkelling and walks along nature trails.
Conservation and Livelihoods Network -
Recognizing the need to reconcile wildlife conservation and people's livelihood needs and working towards promoting people's participation in wildlife conservation.
Earthwatch Institute -
An international non-profit organization supporting scientific field research and offering members of the public the opportunity to work with distinguished field scientists.
Flora Celtica -
A project co-ordinated by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, conducting research into the uses of the native flora of Celtic regions. Includes project description, a searchable database, a forum and information on the uses of Scottish plants.
Forest Policy and Environment Group -
Focuses on institutional, policy and socio-economic aspects of sustainable forest management and conservation and the interface between forests and other land-uses.
Global Methodology for Mapping Human Impacts on the Biosphere. Used to estimate the amount of impact humans have made, and will make, on the wilderness.
IDRC Program Initiatives -
Sustainable use of biodiversity
International Institute for Environment and Development -
An independent, non-profit organization promoting sustainable patterns of world development through collaborative research, policy studies, networking and knowledge dissemination.
International Institute for Sustainable Deveopment -
Information on the use of, and effect on, the environment during economic development, including natural resources.
MekongInfo -
An interactive system for sharing information and knowledge about participatory natural resource management in the Lower Mekong Basin, Cambodia.
Natural Resources Institute -
Based at the University of Greenwich, provides training, research, consultancy and advisory services to underpin sustainable development. The majority of the activities focus on harnessing the natural and human capital for the benefit of developing countries.
Overseas Development Institute -
An independent organisation based in the UK, concerned with international development and humanitarian issues, advising practices which will lead to the reduction of poverty and the achievement of sustainable development.
Sustainable Conservation -
Engages businesses and private landowners in advancing the stewardship of our land and water in partnership with the environmental community.
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity -
At Canada's International Development Research Centre.
Ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature.
USDA National Agroforestry Center -
Agroforestry combines agriculture and forestry technologies to create more integrated, diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land-use systems.
Whale Research Trips -
A non-profit organisation funding ecological research through eco-tourism.
Worldwatch Institute -
Dedicated to encouraging an environmentally sustainable society, in which human needs are met in ways that do not threaten the health of the natural environment or the prospects of future generations.
IUCN Sustainable Use Specialist Group -
Developed to implement the IUCN Sustainable Use Initiative, an interdisciplinary initiative founded in 1995 to enhance and share knowledge of the social and biological factors affecting the sustainable use of wild renewable resources.
IWMC World Conservation Trust -
NGO promoting sustainable use of wild resources as a conservation mechanism
Man In Nature -
A quarterly webzine publishing and reprinting articles on the sustainable use / conservation debate.
Planning for Sustainable Use of Land Resources -
Document in 7 chapters prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN as a background paper for Agenda 21.
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity -
International Development Research Centre research on ways to conserve biodiversity by promoting its sustainable use by indigenous and local communities.
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Program Initiative -
Supports research that aims to enhance the capacity of local and indigenous peoples to protect, access and sustainably use biodiversity and knowledge of biodiversity.