Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada (ATTC) - http://www.attc.ca
ATTC is a national Aboriginal tourism association whose
mission is to influence and develop tourism policies and
programs to benefit Aboriginal people in Canada
Fins, non-profit society in British Columbia - http://www.alternatives.com/fins
Presenting slide shows, school presentations and ecotours to
reconnect people to the world of fish. Short local field trips
and longer ecotours in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Foundation for Information and Research on Marine Mammals - http://www.firmm.ch
Swiss foundation highlights its work to the protection of
whales, dolphins and their natural habitat, the ocean.
Friends of Nature - Nepal - http://www.geocities.com/nature_friends_np
Friends of Nature - Nepal, a service oriented NGO dedicated
to promote ecotourism and conservation of environment in
Greek Birdwatching Society - http://www.ornithologiki.gr/en/enmain.htm
Join us in our field trips to bird habitats of rare beauty
and importance...
National Wildlife Federation Expeditions - http://www.nwf.org/expeditions/by_destination.html
Ecologically friendly tours for those wanting more than just
a holiday. Tours designed to bring you closer to nature and
help the planet.
Planet Ocean Society Eco Adventures - http://www.PlanetOceanSociety.com
Dedicated to scuba and watersports expedtion adventures with
an emphasis on the protection of the ocean eco environment.
Sustainable Tourism Association of Canada - http://www.sustainabletourism.ca
National organisation and clearinghouse of information and
policies on sustainable tourism in Canada.
The International Ecotourism Society - http://www.ecotourism.org
A Site for Discovery of the Ecotourism Path For Researchers,
Conservationists and Business People.
World Heritage - http://www.unesco.org/culture/heritage
UNESCO works towards the preservation and enhancement of
cultural and natural heritage through safeguarding and
revitalizing of tangible and intangible heritage.