Academic Info: Biodiversity -
A partially annotated directory of Internet resources on biodiversity.
All Species Foundation -
A non-profit organization with the goal of recording a complete inventory of all species on Earth within 25 years.
Animal Info - Information on Rare, Threatened and Endangered Mammals -
Biology, ecology, habitat, and status of rare, threatened and endangered species of mammals and information on their native countries: biodiversity, ecosystems, population, and land use.
Bibliography of Genetic Variation in Natural Populations -
Searchable database of citations on natural populations of animals, plants, and microbes.
Bio-Blitz -
A tool for biodiversity exploration, education, and investigation.
Biodiversity and Its Value: Biodiversity Series, Paper No. 1 -
Outlines what biodiversity is, and the three levels at which it is usually defined: genetic, species and ecosystem.
Biodiversity and Protected Areas -
Introductory documents on understanding and conserving biodiversity.
Biodiversity Economics -
Explores the economic dimensions of the global biodiversity agenda as reflected in the work of IUCN and the various biodiversity conventions, notably the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Biodiversity Fact Sheet -
What is biodiversity, what threatens it, why is it important, and what are ecologists doing to better understand it? From Ecological Society of America. [PDF file]
Biodiversity Frequently Asked Questions -
Presents answers to common questions about biodiversity.
Biodiversity Hotspots -
Comprehensive information on 25 of the world's biologically richest and most threatened ecosystems.
Biodiversity II: Understanding and Protecting Our Biological Resources -
National Academy of Sciences report (1996) addresses new strategies and techniques for quantifying, understanding, and protecting biodiversity. Full text online.
Biodiversity in urban ecosystems -
Links to sites about urban biodiversity.
Biodiversity Resource Center -
A branch library of the California Academy of Sciences specializing in information on biodiversity. Bibiographies, links to news and educator resources.
Biodiversity Series -
Full text online of UNEP-WCMC series of project results.
Biodiversity Theory -
Overview of some theoretical basics of biodiversity.
Biodiversity Web -
Personally maintained website with information and links about several aspects of biodiversity: biological, ecological, physical, chemical, social (e.g., population growth), economical and juridical. Some links in Dutch language or of particular relevance to Netherlands.
Canadian Biodiversity -
Biological diversity: theory, patterns, ecological zones, species distributions, conservation issues, and legislation, with an emphasis on Canada. Bilingual: english/français.
DIVERSITAS Programme -
International collaborative project with the goal of providing accurate scientific information and predictive models of the status of biodiversity and sustainability of the use of the Earth's biotic resources, and to build a world-wide capacity for the science of biodiversity.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity -
Online resource: major themes include evolution of biodiversity, systems for classifying and defining biodiversity, ecological patterns and theories, an assessment of contemporary patterns and trends, treaties and government legislation.
Fauna and Flora International -
Supports international conservation activities. Documents on methodology, working with NGOs, governments, communities; news, publications, photo gallery.
Global Biodiversity Back Issues -
The Canadian Museum of Nature's quarterly magazine. Covered Canadian and international biodiversity news in science, politics, education, community and individual initiatives between 1991 and 1999.
Industrial Reliance on Biodiversity -
Provides an overview of the extent to which industry in the developed world relies on the biodiversity of the developing world. (FTP site).
nternational Biodiversity Observation Year -
Describes the need for an International Biodiversity Observation Year, events proposed, benefits anticipated.
Introduction to Biodiversity Theory -
Overview and definitions.
Kind Planet Biodiversity -
Introductory notes.
Mass Extinction Underway -
Links to articles on biodiversity and species extinction
Natural Resources and Biodiversity -
Background papers from the World Resources Institute on social and political dimensions of environmental policy-making.
NBII: Biodiversity Links -
Access to WWW sites that provide information on genetic diversity, species diversity, ecological diversity, and geopolitical perspectives. From the National Biological Information Infrastructure.
Resources for the Future Library: Biodiversity -
Research papers (PDF files) and project summaries related to economic and policy aspects of biodiversity protection. Topics include ecosystem valuation, endangered species laws, and habitat conservation.
Species 2000 -
Project to provide indexing and links for all known species as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.
The Global Diversity Foundation -
The Global Diversity Foundation documents, monitors and promotes agricultural, biological and cultural diversity around the world, particularly through training and research.
What is Biodiversity? -
Different definitions used by resource managers and ecologists.
World Atlas of Biodiversity -
Interactive maps of biodiversity and human impacts from the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre.